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khalid mehmoodd
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Thursday, 19 May 2011

PostHeaderIcon Strange Cases Of Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud is a terrible thing that is costing the country billions of dollars each year, but it is recognized that some people are very creative. We examine some notable cases of insurance fraud and determine what type of insurance fraud is, and whether or not a fraud "hard" or "soft."

Male cyclist struck by a car bringing serious injury. He compensates for tune up $ 22,000, but officials suspected insurance decided to explore further. He revealed that the potential plaintiff had actually suffered from a car to drive his girlfriend. To top it all, it was a toothpick inserted in the nose to ensure that the incident caused him injury. He's lucky he did not kill him. He grew up charges of insurance fraud and lost the case. This is clearly a case of fraud 'hard' (fraud, which was deliberately made), and because the demand for car insurance is paid a heavy price of auto insurance fraud.

In another case, a car mechanic was a great piece of machinery fell on him while he was at work, injuring his back and legs that required a long convalescence. Eventually filed a lawsuit saying he could not work, and pointed to a monthly payment of your disability. As in many such cases, the insurance company hired a private investigator to check out the disabled man called. After only one day of surveillance, research captured images of man to change a transmission in a car parked outside his home. I had no difficulty moving or shifting the transmission, which proves that I was actually able to work. Although this is an extreme case, may be considered fraud control, as man has exaggerated the demand once legitimate. He was really hurt and took the time to recover, but instead of stopping the payment of disability and return to work, kept the collection of insurance and worked on the side.

Pretended to be hurt again. He was fined and ordered to pay much of the money he had received benefits.

Back in the 1980's, a recent high school graduate with some friends, decided to steal the spotlight from the gym roof of his alma mater. The leader, a boy named Ricky, assemble and disassemble the light, only to fall into a light well and be seriously injured. The boy and his family sued the education of millions of dollars and won, regardless of whether the boy was committing a crime at the time of his accident. Is this fraud? In fact, the child did not fall or hurt on purpose, not fake his injuries in order to receive an insurance benefit. Indeed, the law permits only if someone was injured at school, the school (and the insurance company of the school) was responsible for such damage. Therefore, there is no fraud here, but leaves a bad taste significantly.


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