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Monday, 9 May 2011

PostHeaderIcon House Party? House Party ... What

House parties have always been popular among young people, perhaps because it means they can get away with drinking alcohol when they have had no chance of getting served in a bar. However, what was a relatively modest collection of children and adolescents in the home of a parent volunteer "seems to have transformed into something else.

Calls previously carefully hand made, when the guest list had been carefully negotiated with the parents, but now the party can get out of hand before it began, with a single mouse click.

You may have heard of Facebook, Bebo or Myspace parties, and I wondered if they were a sort of online chat room. Well, if that is the case, you're wrong. Facebook, Bebo and MySpace parts are a new phenomenon that haunts parents across the world.

If you do not know social networking sites that took the world by storm, they are a relatively recent discovery that allows people to get in touch with others, post and share photos, write blogs and publicity events.

It is the organization and publicity for events online, which had a particular impact, however, as a party at home can be distributed worldwide within seconds. The problem is that children are often unaware of the consequences of their actions, and before you know it, your house is usually full of young people whose only intention is to trash your house.

Imagine what this could do for your home insurance! The application can be very serious if you have damaged something, because all insurance providers cover accidental damage, but what happens when the reason for your home and its contents were looted nothing to do with that?

Since this is a relatively new event, insurers are still subject to specific guidelines for events such as house parties. Some home insurance policies have clauses that do not cover damage caused by the irresponsible behavior of yourself or your child when the child can not repay the damage, until retirement, if you are unlucky victim left the house.

But if like many parents, you are ignorant about your child online party planning skills and have returned to find your house is unrecognizable and your belongings missing, you can always get lucky, because it is not yet established standards. Consequently, national insurance companies more inclined to consider your application if you did not know that the party happened.

There is no way of knowing if your child will play the joker and "accidentally" invite the whole neighborhood to your house but if they do, so make sure you are not involved or aware of any way so no snooping on their internet accounts!

Isla Campbell writes on a number of issues on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this section is considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.


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