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khalid mehmoodd
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Friday, 10 June 2011

PostHeaderIcon Aspects Of Life Insurance To Serve The Soldiers

With the U.S. in a war on two fronts - in Afghanistan and Iraq - many members of the armed forces have been deployed several times to find some of the leading causes of death worldwide. Naturally, many wonder if Servicemembers their families back home will be made if they are killed or injured in the fighting.

Fortunately, members of the armed forces, including National Guard and reservists eligible loans for group life insurance at low cost by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Group Life Armed Forces' Insurance (SGLI) program, which is also available in the Members Reserve Officer's Training Corps cadets and midshipmen at the four U.S. military academies and of members of the Corps National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Public Health Service provides end life insurance to $ 50,000 at a time, up to $ 400,000.

The advantages of group members insurance services

AVCS is because life insurance premiums are based on the amount of insurance you want, whatever your age.

Other things to know SGLI:

* You are automatically covered by $ 400,000 the first day of active duty training or active duty, whether to reject or reduce the coverage.

* Your life insurance benefit allows your beneficiaries to pay for or replace your salary.

* Benefits are tax exempt.

If you are a disabled person when you leave the army, you can keep your life insurance up to two years, for free. The armed forces can also buy life insurance for their spouses and dependent children, up to $ 100,000 through the Armed Forces program Family Life Insurance Group.

When you leave, you can convert SGLI coverage policy for the Veteran's Group Life Insurance (VGLI) or converted to permanent life insurance policy is your insurance company. For more information on SGLI conversion policy, please visit the website of the U.S. veteran.

Other life insurance

In the service member, you also have the option to purchase additional life insurance from private insurers. But keep in mind that many insurance companies, unlike AVCS, death do not provide coverage for acts of war. Practices vary, so you must understand how a life insurance company looks at issues related to military deployment before buying a policy.

Like any private citizen, you can choose between two private life insurance - term life insurance or whole life insurance. Term life insurance covers a predetermined time, one of 20 or 30 years, and only pay if the death of the designated term. life insurance, on the other hand it offers insurance benefits to your heirs when you die it does not matter, as well as a feature of saving money, according to the time. Because whole life insurance is to cover your insurance needs in your life, and includes saving features added, it is more expensive than life insurance.

Premiums for these policies will be dictated by private general state of health, current health conditions and lifestyle, as if you smoke or drink too much. Life insurance companies also look at your interests, your driving record and other factors that may provide clues about how long you will live.

Always ask the powers of life insurance agents

It 'important to check the credentials of any life insurance agents to sell life insurance for military objects. These substances are authorized Department of Defense and is licensed in the State Department of Insurance. Ask to see their permits and licenses.


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